Holaaa!! asalamulaikum & also slamat tghri..hehehe... ^_^
ari ni aq ada byk bnda yg dpt aq jdkn guide along aq pnya STDY~ aq dah tau nk bt apa ngan paper NEGOTIATION neyh..yeah!! ok2x... nk di pndekkn crita aq yg knform pnjg kan.. just go to the point lah an??
ari ni dak batch aq ada attend 1 bengkel kot aq rasa.~ bengkel ka?? hehehe cm nak baiki motor an?? haha alaa lebih kurang cam DISCUSSION lah aq klasisifikasikan..hehehe
cm neyh crita diaaa....---> ada sorang lah yg aq bole glarkn as my DAD lah an..coz lebih kurang cm umor Dady aq je..hehehe dia neyh kira penyelaras subjek NEGO kt UUM yg aq gelar parents tok Alpha college..hehehe nama beliau adalah Encek Abdullah...a..k...a Che' Lah!! dia lah yg ckp td..aq just ckp blik haha...
OK!!!! paper Negotiation ( BSMH 3073) betol3x..~ paper ne mang lah...kaw2 ayat dia lau baca..pening nk bg pham itoo ayat...apa pown x boleh~ haha
td Encek Lah just story2 sal paper neyh...apa yg penting..apa yg perlu FOCUS.. & bla..bla..bla..bla....~
encek Lah says:--> " just refer kat Konsep2 yg di bncngkan... perlu start buat MIND MAPPING?? .... & yg ptg ANSWER BASED ON what question ASK not based on What you KNOW?? eh!! mcm tue eh?? ^_^
the other pesanan Beliau adalah seperti di bawah:
1) No NEED to answer sgt2 pnjg..but just bg masuk yg man PENTING + cntoh yg b'sesuaian..( tepat + padat)
2) just answer to the point je..jgn nk MERAPU!! ( alah..kadang2 merapu pown ada marks right??) hehe
3) if nk buat "ROJAK" skalipun,, sila pastikan bhw "ROJAK" anda itoo SEDAP a...k..a TIP top!! hehe
4) just use "TERM" not "SENtences yg berjela2x" haha
5) try tp " PSYCHO" them to get "BETTER" marks!~ mksdnya = buat kemas2 lah an??...
lagi kan... kan3x...ENcek Lah ada crita taw..cm neyh..ce citer..ce citer!! haha
The Legacy of the Philosopher:
* LISTENING } attempt to forget
* SEEING} attempt to remember
IF ada ketiga2 yg kt atas ni... mknanya kita dah tend to LERAN something~ so kenalah DO exercise, ASK question, PARTICIPATE in class, try to UNDERSTAND, & buat Group Discussion~ gud kan?? ^_^
ada lg yg aq sempat tau & catit td as a guide... that is LISTEN!!
L = look interested
I = involve yourself ( asking question)
S = stay Focus
T = test your understand ( try to refresh coz nk tau sma ada kita OK @ not OK!! ) haha
E = evaluate ( must have some knowledge from the learning)
N = neutral ( come as open minded, no prejudice, listen first what he@ she want to say then judge it!! )
so...dr smua2 nya yg kt atas td... " Do it yourself, can discuss with others but do in your own words @ sentences"
encek Lah ckp td:--> LANGUAGE is a "Tool".. jgn smpai kita x bole stdy di sebabkn oleh language ok~
nk kata --> kesilapan adalah GURU yg terbaik untuk kita jdikan sebagai contoh untuk BERUBAH~ think it!! ^_^
thanx encek ABDULLAH @ Che' Lah ^_^
the END~
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